Clearing the Channel

As a visionary, you can see what others cannot.

But what if I told you there's more, and your supernatural senses hold even greater depths?

The human experience stretches far beyond our everyday consciousness, it includes subtle realms that beckon us.

Still skeptical? Just look at the natural world.

Snakes, with their special pit organs, sense infrared radiation. Bees use UV vision to see intricate floral patterns. Even dogs have extraordinary hearing range.

Nature reveals a hidden realm waiting to be explored.

Just because we can't sense it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And by expanding our channels of perception, we can deepen our understanding of the universe.

So, how do we embark on this incredible journey?

It begins with clearing the channel.

Imagine yourself as an intricate pipe designed to channel subtle energies and the Divine.

Emotions, or "energy in motion," are meant to be felt and let go. But when we experience pain or distress, these emotional currents get stuck, causing blockages within us. As time goes on, remnants of past experiences build up and become obstacles restricting our perception.

To become clear channels for heightened awareness, we have to dissolve trapped energies through emotional release.

Here's one technique I practice with my clients:

1/ Create space: Give yourself the gift of privacy, free from technology and time constraints.

2/ Breathe: Bring yourself fully into the present.

3/ Scan your body: Notice any areas of tension, density, or pain.

4/ Describe the physical sensation: How does it feel? Where does it radiate? Does it have a color, a temperature, or a shape? Trust your instincts and describe them naturally.

5/ Feel the emotion: What emotions arise with this sensation? Is it fear? Anger? Jealousy? Allow yourself to experience the emotion fully. Remember, emotional states are temporary and will pass.

6/ Follow it: Observe if the energy shifts or moves within your body. Follow its path, feel it, and continue describing it. Allow yourself to be fully present with the emotion.

7/ Release: Eventually, the energy will naturally dissipate. When you're ready, let it go and release it.

Congratulations! You've successfully moved energy through your body.

After just a few minutes, you might feel lighter, more open, and perhaps even happier. We often try to avoid unpleasant emotions, thinking that if we ignore them, they won't be a problem. But emotions aren't inherently good or bad; they just exist. Like most things in life, the best way to address them is directly and honestly.

By paying attention to areas where we feel stuck, we open ourselves up to new ways of being and seeing the world. This process may take some time to get the hang of it, but I encourage you to keep at it or seek help from a practitioner. The rewards are tremendous.

When we better understand ourselves, we discover new layers of understanding in the world around us. This is how our perception expands and grows.


How can I Trust my Intuition?


Acceptance of Self And Other